1 min read

Calm before the storm

Calm before the storm
Sunset at Pipe Creek

The front that will move through late Thursday isn't expected to being severe winds, but it looks as if everyone is taking it seriously.

A bunch of boats anchored nearby

I expect our neighbors to be hunkered down here until Saturday. We plan to head further south on Saturday. With luck, the winds will calm a bit and be from a direction that will allow us to sail.

As expected, it was beautiful and hot yesterday, with light winds. We got the Code 0 sail hoisted, adjusted and furled without too much drama. We didn't manage to get any pics or video. It was a little chaotic with us trying to figure out how to reach the tensioning lines. The sail is huge, and the tension line for the leech (the back edge of the sail) is quite high and far out from the deck.

Even with just a whisper of wind, we found ourselves sailing forward at almost 1 knot with the Code 0 unfurled. We felt like it would be safest for Lynda to stay at the helm and keep a close eye on things in case the boat really started sailing.

We will see if our changes have the intended effect on the sail, especially with furling it in moderate winds. At the very least, I can say that the sail shape looks better. And yesterday was absolutely the right day to work on this, with such light winds.