2 min read

Fish on!

Fish on!
Our first mahi mahi

We are on our way to Great Inagua! We left Thompson Bay early this morning. It's been an exciting day. And not in a bad way!

As expected, we motored west through the Comer Channel and turned south east. The winds started to be more consistent at that point, so we unfurled the Genoa and motor sailed. This gave us an additional 0.7 knots, allowing us to reduce throttle and save fuel.

The waters were beautiful. It was shallow in places, but started to get deeper as we went further south. And so clear! We could see the bottom even in 50 feet of water.

Once we exited the shallow bank, we put out 2 fishing lures. Conditions were windless and flat, but pleasant. It didn't take long for our first fish to take the bait. Sadly, it was a barracuda. Back in the water with you!

Then, within 10 minutes, we had another fish on the port side reel. It was a mahi mahi! Our first one. These are very colorful fish, and are delicious!


Little did we know that the starboard side reel also had a fish. Another mahi mahi! It was even bigger than the first one! Sadly, it got away...the line snapped as I was trying to get it on the boat.

The one that got away

At least we have proof...

Dinner was blackened mahi with stir fried veggies and mashed potatoes. Yum!

Now, the winds have picked up and we are sailing, doing 7+ knots. The sea state is rougher, but not too bad. We are dodging storms, and had a beautiful rainbow.

We we'll be continuing to sail overnight, taking 4 hours shifts at the helm. We should arrive at Great Inagua tomorrow afternoon.