1 min read

Hello Guadeloupe!

Hello Guadeloupe!
Arriving in Guadeloupe

We have been here in Guadeloupe for 2 full days now. The 2 anchorages we have been in (Deshaies and Pigeon Cove) leave a bit to be desired in terms of protection from swell, but the towns and countryside are just gorgeous.

The dinghy dock in Deshaies is a little bit...sketchy...
Sunset in Deshaies

Right now we are in Pigeon Cove, with plans to scuba dive around Pigeon Island, the Jacques Cousteau national park and nature preserve. We hear that its amazing!

We have caught up with some friends we met in Grenada last year, and met some new friends.

Hopefully the swell will settle down and we can settle in and enjoy several days here!