1 min read

Magical Puerto Rico

Magical Puerto Rico
Last night's sunset

We've been anchored here for almost 36 hours now, and this place is as magical as we remembered it being. There's a good breeze, lots of wildlife, and the sound of waves breaking on the reef nearby.

This morning, we were greeted by dolphins and at least 1 turtle. We have heard manatees, but not seen them, they are a bit shy this time.

We did a short hike on a nearby island and saw several birds (egret, tri-color herons, kingfisher, pelicans, hummingbird, and osprey, to name a few).

The pups enjoyed a dinghy ride around the mangroves. Fun was had by all.

There may also have been a nap after lunch.

Next time, we will do a better job of taking pics as we are out and about. But today was mostly just about stretching our legs and shaking off the passage haze from the past few days.