1 min read

The front is here!

The front is here!
A heavy rain storm

The forecasted front, with accompanying storms, have arrived. And mostly passed.

Wind speeds in the 20 knot range

We saw wind speeds up to 27 knots, mostly in the low 20s. Nothing too scary.

Radar image of the storm

We saw it building and moving our way, so there was plenty of time to prepare for it. Aside from the wind gusts, we saw a few flashes of lightning, nothing too close, and we got a lot of rain.

A rainbow

Now, we are left with cooler temperatures, a mild breeze, and a lovely view of a rainbow. We should continue to see breezy conditions, and perhaps a few more storms, over the next 24 hours, so we will continue to be vigilant.

We hope everyone in the area fared as well as us through the storm. We have multiple friends anchored further south of us.