1 min read

We are checked in to Grenada!

We are checked in to Grenada!
Kristin (left) and Lynda (right) as we wait at customs and immigration in Grenada

Well. That was a heck of a passage! Not at all what we expected, but we are in Grenada, south of the "hurricane zone", and where we will spend the next several months.

The exact moment when we satisfied our insurance requirements

And just in time, too. Tropical Storm Bret formed as we were under way, and the projected path ended up being right where we planned to stop on our way south (Guadeloupe and Martinique), so we had to adjust our plans on the fly. Thankfully, the wind was in a good direction once we turned to Grenada, so we made really good time (3.5 days total from St Thomas to Grenada).

There was a long line at customs and immigration, but the process was super easy, and the officers were friendly and helpful.

We had an amazing brunch at a restaurant near the marina where C&I is located. Now we are back at the boat and will spend the day chilling out, resting, and catching up on some much needed sleep.

The pups and crew did great, and we are so very grateful to have Kristin on board to help with keeping watch. Being able to sleep for a solid 6 hours is huge on a trip like this, and she is an amazing sailor!

We had engine trouble on the way (boats, man!) which we think might be due to bad fuel from St Thomas. I have some work to do before we move on to our next anchorage.